Grovix Lab

A Dream to be an Entrepreneur: Who is Sajad?

Jul, 2024 Thu

Ever dreamed of starting your own business? Let's talk about Muhamme Sajad PP, a young guy who's doing just that!

Who isSajad PP?

Muhamme Sajad PP(Also known as Sajad, Saju), who goes by Sajad, is a 17-year-old whiz kid who's great at making computer programs. He started learning when he was only 14! Now he runs his own company called Grovix Lab.

A Tough Start

Sajad didn't have it easy. His family didn't have much money, which made things hard. But that didn't stop him! He kept working on his dream.

First Try: Thintry

Sajad and his friends Adil Nasra KC and Bavin Karippadath started a company called Thintry. It was a good start, but Sajad wanted something different.

New Beginning: Grovix Lab

Sajad left Thintry to start a new company with Adil. They called it Grovix Lab. This time, Sajad was sure it would be the kind of business he always wanted.

How It All Began

It all started during the COVID lockdown in 2020. Sajad and his friend Bavin were using Discord a lot. They thought about making a game company, but it didn't work out.

Sajad didn't give up. He kept learning and getting better at making programs. Then he met Adil in an online coding group called Edapts 100k coders Malappuram. They became friends and decided to work together.

Big Changes

Sajad realized he didn't want to just offer services. He wanted to make his own products. He talked to his team about it, and they all agreed to try something new.

During this time, Adil met with Nisam from Desgro Creatives, who offered to help with branding for the new startup. The team was busy thinking of a name, and finally, Sajad suggested 'Grovix'. It was a fresh start for Sajad and his dream.


Sajad's story shows us that it's okay to change direction when following your dreams. Sometimes, the path to success isn't straight. But if you keep trying, like Sajad, you might just find your way!

Grovix Lab

Grovix Lab 

Official Grovix Lab's Account.
