Grovix Lab

Top 12 Node.js Projects to Get Hired

May, 2024 Fri
Top 12 Node.js Projects to Get Hired

Nodejs has recently gained a lot of attention in the past few years because of its performance and scalability for building web applications. Actually, Nodejs is a powerful open-source cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment built with Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Learn more about Nodejs. In this article, we will cover the top nodejs project ideas for nodejs developers to get hired.

1. Weather App

Build a weather app using Node.js by fetching weather data from the weather API to display in your app.

Technical requirements:
Frontent: Optional
Backend: Nodejs
API: Weather API

2. Chat Application

Create a chat application with a live-time chat protocol by using Node.js; for example, "Personal communication app, community collaboration, customer support."

Technical requirements: Nodejs, Websocket,

3. To-Do List

Develop a basic task management app using Node.js and Express.js.

Technical requirements: Node.js, MongoDB, Express.js or Next.js, REST API

4. Discord Bot

Create a discord auto-mod bot by using the discord.js npm package with nodejs.

Technical requirements: Node.js, MongoDB

5. E-commerce platform

Build an e-commerce platform that contains a home page, cart, wishlist, settings, search, billing, and authentication.

Technical requirements: Node.js, Express.js or Next.js, Mongodb, REST API, GateAway

6. Build a NPM package.

Collaborating with the open-source community is an important part of getting hired by a company. Following this link, you can learn about how to create an NPM package.

Sajad pp

Sajad pp 

I am an SEO specialist, a Computer Science student, Founder of Grovix Lab, and a backend developer.
