Grovix Lab

Advantages of using an API

Jun, 2024 Mon

Advantages of using an API

API, or Application Programming Interface, Most beginner programmers are confused about "Actually, what is an API?" That is a link used to connect the front end with the back end, for example, a login form. First, it is not a programming language; it acts as a middleman between the browser and the server. API, also known as web services, restful API, or soap API, is not a framework or library; it is just a URL. Only APIs can be developed by a back-end developer. The back-end developer can choose any back-end language to develop APIs.

Let's look at a real-life example.

For example, if you are in a restaurant, there is a waiter, you, and a cook. In this case, you are the browser, the waiter is the API, and the cook is the server (backend). The API is actually working like this: the API is a middleman and can handle thousands of requests.

How data travels in an API

In API data passing and receiving in the format called JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, before the 2000s, we used XML to pass and receive data. XML is very difficult to read and slower than JSON.

"name": "Desktop",
"price": 900
view raw product.json hosted with ❤ by GitHub

CRUD operations in APIs

CRUD means the four fundamental operations that can be used on data in a database: create, read, update, and delete. These operations are important to many RESTful APIs and are required for any application's data management and manipulation.

  1. Create (POST): This operation adds new data entries to a database. For example, adding a new user.
  2. Read (GET): This operation retrieves data from a database. For example, fetching user information.
  3. Update (PUT/PATCH): This operation modifies existing data in a database. For example, updating user details.
  4. Delete (DELETE): This operation removes data from a database. For example, deleting a user.

Advantages of APIs

  1. Communication: APIs allow interaction of many applications and systems, allowing the integration of different platforms and technologies.
  2. Efficiency: APIs reduce useless coding and speed up project timeframes by simplifying the development process by providing predetermined methods and regulations.
  3. Scalability: APIs help programs develop by allowing the integration of new features and services without affecting already-existing functions.

Sajad pp

Sajad pp 

I am an SEO specialist, a Computer Science student, Founder of Grovix Lab, and a backend developer.
