Grovix Lab

What Is the Advantage of Using Node.js?

Sep, 2024 Thu

Node.js is a free open source cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment used to build a web application using JavaScript. Node.js runs on various platforms example "Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Unix, etc". It was released in 2009 by Ryan Dahl. 

Node.js is a language?

No, everyone is referring to node.js with other languages, node.js is not a language, node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment only.

Why use node.js?

Node.js allows developers to create both front-end and back-end using JavaScript. There are many communities to help you in node.js.

Node.js is open-source:

This means source code for node.js is publically available, under maintained by contributors around the world.

Node.js is cross-platform:

Node.js can run various platforms, but it doesn't make for a single platform, for example, "Linux, Mac OS, Windows, etc".

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment:

When you write a JavaScript code in your code editor it doesn't perform anything if you are not executing (or running) the JavaScript file. To run JavaScript on the back-end you need a runtime environment.

Browsers have a built-in runtime environment, That why browsers can run JavaScript on the front end.

Node.js provides a runtime environment to run JavaScript outside of a browser, node.js is also built with Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, Which helps to run JavaScript on the back-end.

Deference between browser and runtime environment

  • DOM Access: Node.js don't have access to the Document Object Model.
  • Modules loading: Supports common ('require') and ES modules ('import').
  • Runtime Control: Node.js allows to choice of a runtime version for back-end applications.


Node.js offers a powerful platform to run JavaScript, Node.js can handle thousands of requests on a single server.

Sajad pp

Sajad pp 

I am an SEO specialist, a Computer Science student, Founder of Grovix Lab, and a backend developer.
